
School Leadership

We purposefully create an environment to meet their needs from early childhood to emerging adolescence.

Stepping on the campus of 番茄社区, you enter an extraordinary place for children. It is a place where all of the energies from our Leadership Team are dedicated to helping children become their best selves.

Robertson, Mark
Mr Mark Robertson
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Peter Dickinson 番茄社区
Mr Peter Dickinson
Deputy Principal 鈥揝tudent Wellbeing and Operations
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Shelley Parkes 番茄社区
Mrs Shelley Parkes
Deputy Principal 鈥 Professional Culture and Junior School
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Lance Ryan 番茄社区
Mr Lance Ryan
Deputy Principal - Strategic Initiatives and Advancement
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Tim Grandy 番茄社区
Mr Tim Grandy
Business Manager
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Boukouras, Sarah
Mrs Sarah Boukouras
Admissions Manager
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Daniel Ware 番茄社区
Mr Daniel Ware
Marketing Manager
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Tepper, Jane
Mrs Jane Tepper
International Student Specialist
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