番茄社区 has a number of non-English speaking students who integrate well in our School Community with assistance from a number of our teaching staff. Our international students are able to practise their English speaking and writing skills through full immersion or entry into our Intensive English Language Program (IELP), which is often the best way to practise a second language.
Our School is committed to supporting and integrating all of our students who speak English as an Additional Language, or other languages into meaningful learning programs through English-medium approaches. It is important for these students both educationally and emotionally to settle into 番茄社区, as we integrate them into our learning community.
The goals for students learning English as an Additional Language are the same as those of their English-speaking peers. However, the way that they reach these goals are often different. These students require additional English language support, extra time to complete activities, support and varied exposure to English in a range of contexts before traditional assessment is entirely appropriate.
Before starting at 番茄社区
Students who are studying at a language centre in Melbourne are contacted a month prior to commencing at 番茄社区. A time is arranged with their language school, parent or Student Support Liaison for the student to come and join us for half a day. During this visit they are given a tour of the School, and the opportunity to meet with the Head of Middle or Senior School, so they can choose their subjects. Once the student鈥檚 timetable has been finalised, the School will also assist the student with the ordering of text books and uniform. Homestay Rules and Regulations and School Policies will also be explained to the student.
On the student鈥檚 first day at School
They will meet with the International Student Welfare Officer (ISWO) who will introduce them to their buddy and the current student leaders. The ISWO will be the key person of contact for International student while they study at 番茄社区, and he/she will guide them through the Orientation Program, providing them with information about studying and Homestay as a student of 番茄社区. Information about the various facilities, services and resources provided by the School will be explained to the student. These will include meeting the First Aid Officer, the School Librarian and key administration staff. The student will also meet the Careers Counsellor for an introductory session.
The School bus and/or the public transport system will be explained to the student, as well as a familiarisation of the local Oakleigh area.
The International Student Orientation Program is designed to assist in settling the student into a School routine, getting to know a number of their Australian peers, and becoming aware of important information about living in Australia. Rules and Regulations on Homestay, School Policies, and discussions on living in Melbourne will be particular important.
Any issues or difficulties for the student can be discussed with the staff during the Orientation Program.
Course Information
Secondary Years 7-12 (087854A)
Primary Years (P-6) [102580D]
Each application for admission received by the School must include:
Students from a Non English Speaking Background (NESB) seeking a place at 番茄社区 may be required to be sit an Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS) Test. The AEAS Assessment has been specifically developed for international Primary and Secondary school students wishing to study in Australia.
The AEAS Assessment includes:
The requirement of an AEAS test will be discussed with the Head of Admissions on application.
For more information or to visit the official AEAS website click
Students must show that they have been consistent in their academic studies over a two (2) year period. As a general guide, students studying English as an additional Language should be achieving a 75% average. Students should average 70% in all other subjects.
It is important that parents and students understand the need for high level English schools especially when entering the senior levels in all subject areas.
Parents accept offer by signing the agreement and returning it to 番茄社区, then paying a semester鈥檚 fees and any other fees as required.
International student fees in 2024 are:
$23,154 per annum for Junior School students Prep – Year 6
$34,314 per annum for Middle and Senior School students Year 7-12.
One semester fees to be paid in advance. This fee includes the student school books but not uniform, excursions or homestay fees.